Initial Ideas


Middle and upmarket media literate audience - An audience that has an understanding of media weather that is representations/intertextuality or more, this could be broadcasted, published or general media on the internet.

Magazine Planning:

What is the sub-genre and name of your magazine? Who are the specific target audience?

The name so far I've decided to use is 'Necropolis' which means a large burying ground, essentially another word for graveyard, I'm willing to consider other similar words with the same connotations of horror since I've decided my film magazine is going to be horror based, inspired by Rue Morgue. My target audience are 16-25 year-olds that are interested in past/old horror films and their impact, middle and upmarket media literate audience - an audience that has an understanding of media weather that is representations/intertextuality or more.

Design ideas. The 'Gothic Horror' text with ripped up pieces of paper I like and will most likely try and implement it in my own cover, I prefer the real images instead of the graphic ones because it creates more realism, the graphic ones are still good for potential layout ideas though.

Overview of my magazine: 

Necropolis is going to be based about either old/past horror films, as well as possibly promoting new ones, it appeals to my target audience because it's horror and younger people wouldn't be fond of horror as it might be too much for them so this helps me reach my target audience, as well as the realistic front-cover I plan on doing instead of graphic. As my audience is media literate I will include intertextual references as well as connotations of horror and I've already included an intertextual reference with the title of the magazine 'Necropolis', it means graveyard and is also a 1970's horror/fantasy film.

Possible photoshoots:

A grunge/dark photoshoot, there could be multiple places where this photoshoot is taken such as a field or forest, it should have an eerie feel to it. I plan on making a fire with a dark figure standing around it so I don't necessarily need a specific person just an outline of somebody. Another photoshoot I have in mind is that I could go to a beach and use the same dark silhouette of someone standing overlooking the ocean but I could use photoshop to change the colour of the ocean to red instead of blue so it signifies blood, this would make sense since my magazine is horror based.  

Article subjects:

Return to Calvaire
the exorcist: believer
The shining
Halloween Kills
Scream 2
The house of the devil
paranormal activity 2007
the conjuring 2 
julia's eyes
house on haunted hill
poltergeist 1982
the descent
the omen
bone tomahawk
the blair witch project
28 days later
horror of dracula
village of the damned

Experimenting with different mastheads

Possible masthead for the other cover

Front cover of issue 1 

features on the front cover

Cross intersections for features

possible tagline
other page

actual masthead for page2
tagline for page 2


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