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Statement of Intent

Wednesday 6th September 2023 Statement of Intent How do you intend to use the four areas of the media theoretical framework to communicate meaning and meet the requirements of your chosen brief? (400 Words)   Main product:   The main overarching idea for my main product will be creating horror magazines that are based on old horror films, this will fit into my genre because my genre is horror. This will attract my specific audience (16-25) because I will use graphic and layout techniques that appeal to my audience, my audience are also media literate which the name of the magazine itself is a reference. Bauer Media’s values are trust, passion, excellence and entrepreneurship, I will meet these core values by ensuring my brand ‘Necropolis’ is consistent across all formats. My mise-en-scene will be all grunge themed so it relates to my genre, camerawork shaky so it portrays that panic-like affect. Text and images will have representations of horror, text will differ from magazine but wi

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